
The Vital Importance of Updating Your Will: A Guide by Ciaran O’Brien Solicitors

In the bustling rhythm of life, it's easy to overlook the importance of regularly revisiting and updating your will. Many individuals draft a will at a specific point in their lives and then file it away, assuming their work is done.

As life evolves, so should your will.

In the bustling rhythm of life, it's easy to overlook the importance of regularly revisiting and updating your will. Many individuals draft a will at a specific point in their lives and then file it away, assuming their work is done. However, circumstances change, families grow, assets accumulate, and laws are updated—making it essential to periodically review and update your will to ensure it accurately reflects your wishes and protects your loved ones.

Why Update Your Will?

Life Changes: Marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of children or grandchildren—these significant life events should prompt a review of your will. It's crucial to ensure your beneficiaries are up-to-date and that new family members are included.

Changes in Assets: Acquiring new assets, properties, or investments should trigger a reassessment of your will. This includes changes in the value of existing assets, which might necessitate adjustments in how they're distributed among beneficiaries.

Executor and Guardian Selection: Your chosen executor or guardian may no longer be the most suitable person due to changes in their circumstances or your relationship with them. Regularly reassess and update these selections as needed.

Tax and Legal Changes: Tax laws and regulations are subject to amendments. Regular reviews of your will ensure that it remains compliant with the latest legal requirements, potentially helping to minimize tax liabilities for your beneficiaries.

Steps to Update Your Will

Consult a Solicitor: Seek advice from a qualified solicitor specialising in wills and estate planning. They will guide you through the process and ensure your updated will complies with current laws.

Review Your Will Regularly: Aim for a review every three to five years, or whenever a significant life event occurs. This proactive approach ensures your will remains current and aligned with your wishes.

Be Clear and Specific: Clearly articulate your intentions and wishes in your updated will. Detail how you want your assets distributed, and don't hesitate to seek legal advice if you're unsure about specific clauses.

Communicate Changes: Once your will is updated, it's crucial to communicate these changes with your executor, guardians, and beneficiaries. Clarity and transparency can prevent future misunderstandings or disputes.


Your will is a powerful document that safeguards your legacy and ensures your loved ones are cared for according to your wishes. However, its effectiveness relies on its relevance to your current situation. Regularly updating your will with the guidance of a knowledgeable solicitor is a proactive step toward securing your legacy and providing peace of mind for yourself and your family.

At Ciaran O’Brien Solicitors, we specialise in wills and estate planning, offering personalised guidance to help you navigate these important decisions. Contact Us today to schedule a consultation and ensure your will reflects your current wishes and circumstances.